Hello, hello! So, I thought it would be fun to share with you all some of my favorite movies from some different genres. These are just in alphabetical order.
1. Action
Okay. Action movies are my absolute FAVORITE!! I can't think of just one that tops them all (besides LOTR for all movies, but I have that in Fantasy:)), but some of my favorites are; The Bourne movies, the Mission Impossible movies, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Superhero movies, The A-Team, and a bunch of others that I can't think of right now, but you get the idea. :)
2. Animation
Okay, this is so hard. There are so many animated films I love! But some of my favorites are; Pixar movies (minus Brave), Robin Hood, Cinderella, Tangled, Big Hero 6, Peter Pan, The Croods, and more. One animation that I cried at that I did not know that I would was, Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast. That ending...sniff.
3. Comedy
My least favorite genre. Comedy. Don't get me wrong, I love to laugh! But these kinds of movies aren't my particular favorite. I watch them once in a blue moon (except for Elf, but I'm kind of burned out with that one), unlike action that I can watch every day. So, a comedy I like would have to be, any of the Tim Hawkins movies. I know, I know, it isn't a "movie," but they are my favorite none the less! :) He's so funny!
4. Drama
Hmmm...well one I really like is Hugo. That movie is so cute and sweet. I just love it. <3 Otherwise, I can't really think of anything else. Apparently I don't watch a lot of dramas. :)
5. Fantasy
THE LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! No you don't understand, these are my FAVORITE movies of ALL TIME!!!!! And they always shall be. I just LOVE them!! *happy sigh* Best. Movies. Ever. That's all.
6. Horror
Um...I'm not much for horror unless its the old kind. I find them kinda funny. So, with that being said my favorites are The House On Haunted Hill (1959) with Vincent Price, The Mummy (both new and old, but I don't find them scary), and I liked The Invasion of the Body Snatchers(I watched both, but I like the one from 1956 the best). It's so creepy!
7. Musical
I LOVE musicals! Well, I just love music in general. My current favorite musical would have to be, La La Land. It was WONDERFUL!!! Very classic. The music, dancing, outfits, everything. If you haven't seen it I HIGHLY recommend it!! Kind of interesting, but extremely cool, Ryan Gosling actually plays the piano in all of the parts! It's amazing!! And my other well loved favorite is of course, The Phantom of the Opera. I have always loved it ever since I was little and I always shall. <3
8. Mystery
My favorite mystery would have to be Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downy Jr. I like the first one the very best, the second one isn't my favorite. Another fun mystery I liked and has a fun story for the first time I saw it, would be Nancy Drew from 2007. Surprisingly, they consider it a comedy. Huh. Interesting. Moving on, you want to hear the story of the first time I saw it? Okay, here it is.
It was my sister, Madison's 10th birthday and she wanted to have a sleepover with our friends. The movie was, of course, Nancy Drew. So here we are a bunch of girls 8 to 10 years of age piled in the family room with snacks, blankets and pillows(lucky me got a whole couch to myself!:)). The room is dark except for the movie playing...we are at a darker part when all of a sudden we hear a noise and someone comes into the room. They all freak out, I don't particularly remember freaking out, but they all did! And into the room walks...one of the girls. She had gone to the bathroom and flushed the toilet and freaked the other girls out. I like to look back on that fun slumber party and remember the flush of the toilet and staying up way to late. XD
9. Romance
Ah...yes, romance. Again, I don't know if I have a sole "favorite," but some of my favorites would have to be Pride and Prejudice(both 1995 and 2005), While You Were Sleeping, You've Got Mail, and others I can't think of right now. I seem to read more romance books than watch romance movies. *shrugs*
10. Science fiction
It would have to be, Rouge One. Sniff. I just LOVED that movie! I don't know how Star Wars will ever top it. It was creative, original, and just awesome!! I even liked Jyn. You know, I'm not the biggest fan of Rey, shoot, I am not the biggest fan of female leads in general. So I was kind of concerned about Jyn since I didn't really like Rey. But she was great, I especially liked that she isn't the "main character." I felt like they divided up the time pretty equally and didn't focus solely on her. Which I appreciate! I must add in I also love the Star Trek movies. Particularly the newer one from 2009.
11. Western
I actually really liked The Magnificent 7. Another western I like is Tombstone from 1993. My favorite thing about westerns besides the action is the facial hair! <3
Well that is all for some of my favorite movies!! Until next time~Morgan
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Friday, January 13, 2017
A Secret Unveiled
There is something you should probably know. I'm letting you guys know, partly so you can keep me accountable and that I won't quit on it. What is it? Scroll down and you'll see, but first pretty pictures. ;)
Yes, I have started writing a book. Actually, this will be my fourth attempt at writing a book(though I have done writing stuff for school). I started writing in a notebook that said on the front, "If you wish to be a writer, write," about Susan Pevensie, but I didn't get very far. Then I started typing another book, this time for the Rooglewood Press contest for Sleeping Beauty. I never finished it.
Later on I got an idea to do my own fantasy world. I am still not anywhere near finished and I haven't been working on it as of late, but some day I do want to finish it. Anyways, for the book I am writing currently is going to be called, Dragon Fire. Although, I might change my mind. :)
A bit of a rough draft is that it is about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, but in fantasy style. One is a girl and the other two are twins, they are all siblings and have different names than above. Instead of them being thrown into a blazing furnace, they are thrown into a huge dragon named Blaze(though I'm not there yet). I am currently only at only 4,047 words, but its a start.
I must admit, I am kind of scared to share snippets. But I must be brave and put my best foot forward. So, here you go.
She washed off the dishes and put them nicely back in the cupboard. Her own little dragon, Geezer, who had been sleeping on one of the steps that led to the next floor woke up and stretched. “Well, good morning Geezer,” she said with a smile. He had dark blue fur that was very soft and dark green eyes. As soon as Haniah sat at the table to finish reading, Geezer hopped into her lap and was soon fast asleep.
Aza didn’t understand how this man could know so much about him when he had never seen him before. The man started to turn away again. “These dragons,” said Aza gesturing to the ones he held. “Are newborns which means, they have to be kept warm.” Aza had the feeling that there would be no escape from these men, so he might as well take care of his animals; even if they were stealing them and him.
That's all for now! Many blessings and thanks for reading! ~Morgan
Yes, I have started writing a book. Actually, this will be my fourth attempt at writing a book(though I have done writing stuff for school). I started writing in a notebook that said on the front, "If you wish to be a writer, write," about Susan Pevensie, but I didn't get very far. Then I started typing another book, this time for the Rooglewood Press contest for Sleeping Beauty. I never finished it.
Later on I got an idea to do my own fantasy world. I am still not anywhere near finished and I haven't been working on it as of late, but some day I do want to finish it. Anyways, for the book I am writing currently is going to be called, Dragon Fire. Although, I might change my mind. :)
A bit of a rough draft is that it is about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, but in fantasy style. One is a girl and the other two are twins, they are all siblings and have different names than above. Instead of them being thrown into a blazing furnace, they are thrown into a huge dragon named Blaze(though I'm not there yet). I am currently only at only 4,047 words, but its a start.
I must admit, I am kind of scared to share snippets. But I must be brave and put my best foot forward. So, here you go.
“Ah…food, the love of my life,” Aza tipped his curly red
head back and laughed, “Me and Old Boy are ready when you and Glider are,” he
said as he swayed towards Mishael patting Old Boy’s head. “Ha! We were born ready. And is that what you have decided on? OLD BOY?!
What a name for a GIRL Pegasus!” Mishael
said shaking his head. “Well, we all don’t get what we want in life now do we? And
besides, I don’t think “Old Girl,” is very nice, do you? Now, are we going to
race or not?” Aza said with a crooked smile.
“He would have eaten your food as well, but I set some aside
in the cupboard to hide it from him,” she arose from the table and opened the
cupboard to reveal the plate of food.
Mishael sat down, “thank you Haniah, what would I do without you?” “You’d be starving thanks to Aza that’s
what,” she said with a wink and sat across the table from him and sipped some
She washed off the dishes and put them nicely back in the cupboard. Her own little dragon, Geezer, who had been sleeping on one of the steps that led to the next floor woke up and stretched. “Well, good morning Geezer,” she said with a smile. He had dark blue fur that was very soft and dark green eyes. As soon as Haniah sat at the table to finish reading, Geezer hopped into her lap and was soon fast asleep.
She heard Geezer make a sound she turned and saw him jump
from the window after her. Haniah could
barely keep up with the man as he pulled her along. Geezer flew as fast as his little wings could
carry him. Haniah could barely restrain
her tears. “Please,” she said, “why are
you doing this?” The man didn’t even
acknowledge her, but kept up his fast pace.
She turned to look at Geezer, who was starting to fall behind.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Aza didn’t understand how this man could know so much about him when he had never seen him before. The man started to turn away again. “These dragons,” said Aza gesturing to the ones he held. “Are newborns which means, they have to be kept warm.” Aza had the feeling that there would be no escape from these men, so he might as well take care of his animals; even if they were stealing them and him.
That's all for now! Many blessings and thanks for reading! ~Morgan
Friday, January 6, 2017
When You Don't Know What to Say...
Have you ever heard that song that goes, "When you don't know what to say, just say Jesus. There is power in the Name, the Name of Jesus." I don't know who sings it, but it is true. Sometimes when life is hard and you don't know what to do, or what to say just say Jesus. There IS power in His Holy Name.
I've got to tell you guys, this past month has been hard. Our kitchen had black mold so we had to have it removed right after Thanksgiving. That means the kitchen was tore up and its taking a long time to put it back together. I mean cabinets had to get replaced and we had to get new floors and counters. And all this is going on right at Christmastime.
It has been hard on all of us. Even down to my little sister, Mackenzie who has Down Syndrome. She got potty trained back in the summer and since this with the kitchen, she had some accidents. She likes her routine and structure and when it is out of place, it makes her upset. Shoot, it makes me upset!
If you have been reading my posts for awhile, you'd know that I like things neat and tidy. I am a very clean person and with having the kitchen torn up has not been fun. But I know that God is with us through it all. Even if it is hard to see it, He is.
There is this quote I like, "An unseen God is never more present, than when He seems strangely absent." And that is so true. Even through all the chaos in life, He never leaves us nor forsakes us. We just got to get our eyes off of the problems around us, and put them back onto God.
There are so many people in this world with much worse problems then a kitchen under construction. And I am so thankful that I have kitchen and it has food and a stove and running water, even if the counters are temporarily wood(we're getting counters in today, YAY!), its ok. I have a beautiful family and a warm home. And so much to be thankful for.
Ok, now that I said what unpleasant things happened this last month, let's focus on some good things. Because even though it was a hard month, there were some wonderful memories made as well. At the first of the month with some of the kitchen down, we took a trip down south. It was wonderful. We stayed in a beautiful hotel and I got to go to a vintage clothing store not too far away with my Dad (my siblings and Mom stayed at the hotel).
I got to spend a day out with my Grammy. We went to the Antique Faire, saw my Nana, had lunch, went to a store called, the Antique Trove, and finished with seeing my Great Aunt, Uncle, and my second cousin. We were gone most of the day, but it was a lot of fun.
I got to see Rogue One...sniff. BEST STAR WARS MOVIE EVER!!!! Seriously, at the beginning it was a bit jumpy, but then it took off and soared. It was so well done and connected the puzzle between three and four PERFECTLY. You may not know, but Obi-Wan is my favorite Star Wars character, EVER!! He's the best. So that was my only thing with the movie was that he wasn't in it. But that is understandable because he probably shouldn't be. ;) So, out of all Star Wars movies, in my opinion, it was the best. <3
At home we had a craft day, baking day (since by then the kitchen was usable, but still not "done," which it still isn't, yet), and building day, as in LEGO's. We built two of the Christmas sets. One is a train and the other was a toy store and Christmas tree. And of course, we watched Christmas movies throughout the month.
Christmas was a wonderful day. We had a fun morning with our stockings and gift opening and then a wonderful lunch. Then we played games we got from Santa. One of them called, "Bean Boozled," its a Jelly Belly game. It's fun, but super gross. I urge you too look it up and see what I had to go through. ;P
So, if you take out the kitchen being under construction, December did have a lot of good times in it. So despite having something unpleasant and frustrating going on, we still made the best of it and made memories. I hope you all had a wonderful December and that you will have an awesome January.
Thanks for reading!~ Morgan
It has been hard on all of us. Even down to my little sister, Mackenzie who has Down Syndrome. She got potty trained back in the summer and since this with the kitchen, she had some accidents. She likes her routine and structure and when it is out of place, it makes her upset. Shoot, it makes me upset!
If you have been reading my posts for awhile, you'd know that I like things neat and tidy. I am a very clean person and with having the kitchen torn up has not been fun. But I know that God is with us through it all. Even if it is hard to see it, He is.
There is this quote I like, "An unseen God is never more present, than when He seems strangely absent." And that is so true. Even through all the chaos in life, He never leaves us nor forsakes us. We just got to get our eyes off of the problems around us, and put them back onto God.
There are so many people in this world with much worse problems then a kitchen under construction. And I am so thankful that I have kitchen and it has food and a stove and running water, even if the counters are temporarily wood(we're getting counters in today, YAY!), its ok. I have a beautiful family and a warm home. And so much to be thankful for.
Ok, now that I said what unpleasant things happened this last month, let's focus on some good things. Because even though it was a hard month, there were some wonderful memories made as well. At the first of the month with some of the kitchen down, we took a trip down south. It was wonderful. We stayed in a beautiful hotel and I got to go to a vintage clothing store not too far away with my Dad (my siblings and Mom stayed at the hotel).
I got to spend a day out with my Grammy. We went to the Antique Faire, saw my Nana, had lunch, went to a store called, the Antique Trove, and finished with seeing my Great Aunt, Uncle, and my second cousin. We were gone most of the day, but it was a lot of fun.
I got to see Rogue One...sniff. BEST STAR WARS MOVIE EVER!!!! Seriously, at the beginning it was a bit jumpy, but then it took off and soared. It was so well done and connected the puzzle between three and four PERFECTLY. You may not know, but Obi-Wan is my favorite Star Wars character, EVER!! He's the best. So that was my only thing with the movie was that he wasn't in it. But that is understandable because he probably shouldn't be. ;) So, out of all Star Wars movies, in my opinion, it was the best. <3
At home we had a craft day, baking day (since by then the kitchen was usable, but still not "done," which it still isn't, yet), and building day, as in LEGO's. We built two of the Christmas sets. One is a train and the other was a toy store and Christmas tree. And of course, we watched Christmas movies throughout the month.
Christmas was a wonderful day. We had a fun morning with our stockings and gift opening and then a wonderful lunch. Then we played games we got from Santa. One of them called, "Bean Boozled," its a Jelly Belly game. It's fun, but super gross. I urge you too look it up and see what I had to go through. ;P
So, if you take out the kitchen being under construction, December did have a lot of good times in it. So despite having something unpleasant and frustrating going on, we still made the best of it and made memories. I hope you all had a wonderful December and that you will have an awesome January.
Thanks for reading!~ Morgan
Monday, January 2, 2017
Farewell, The Day the Lord has Made!

You may have noticed my blog name has changed. It is true. The Day the Lord has Made is ending and sailing into the west. But fear not! I am not going to stop blogging. It is just time for a change. I felt like, The Day the Lord has Made isn't very personal. I want this to be a place where I can share my heart and thoughts with all of you. And that you might be encouraged in some way.
I realize I haven't been writing as much on my posts either. That is going to change. I want you all to know me better. With that being said, some new posts are going to be coming your way. They are going to be different from what I have posted in the past. More personal and I hope, encouraging. However, I am going to continue with doing posts about books, movies, crafts and the like.
I know that life isn't easy. There are so many bumps in the road and twists and turns. I know. But God is good and He is on the throne. Hallelujah! What would I do without Him? Through all that life and the enemy throws at us, God is always with us and helping us along the way. Even if we don't see it at first. He is always there.
So, I think to pay a little tribute to the passing of my old blog name, I am going to share the old headers. Thank you, The Day the Lord has Made, for all of the growth in my life that you have brought and for all the memories. Since I have started this blog, I have changed. I am not the same person. But I think that is a good thing. Thank you dear blog. I look forward to the new memories we will make by, Turning the Page.
That's a lot of headers!!! Sheesh...but they were so much fun to make! I'm going to continue making headers like the new one I did at the top of my blog. My very first header isn't up there, but it was one that Olivia made.
Thank you for your comments and sweet words. I look forward to closing this chapter in the story by Turning the Page and beginning a new one. And always remember, this is the day the Lord has made!
Many Blessings, Morgan
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