Saturday, April 30, 2016

Quote Tag ~ Day 2

I was nominated by Hosanna to do the 3 Day Quote challenge!!  Thank you so much, Hosanna!!


  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 3 new bloggers everyday
  • Post a new quote everyday for 3 consecutive day

So true!  What you do in secret, God see's and will reward you in Heaven.
I will not be posting tomorrow because I don't do the Internet on Sunday.  I will post my day 3 on Monday. 

I nominate

The Infinity Dream Award

Hello everyone!  Emily tagged me for the Infinity Dream Award!!  Thank you, Emily!!


1. Thank the blogger who tagged you. (Thank you!)
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
4. Tag 11 bloggers and give them 11 new questions to answer.


1.  I don't like mushrooms. 
2.  I LOVE strawberry shortcake.  mmmm
3.  I have a Chewbacca backpack.
4.  I have been enjoying putting my hair up in pin curls.
5.  I love music from the 80's. 
6.  One of my favorite rides at Disneyland is Big Thunder Mountain.  "Cause' this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!!!"
7.  I have been to Hawaii.
8.  I got to swim in the Black Sea when I went to Ukraine.
9.  I love vintage scarves.
10.  I love the drive to L.A.
11.  I LOVE roadtrips.


1. What is your favorite name that starts with K?
Kailey is cute.

2. What are your birthday traditions?
We always have a nice dinner.  We either go out or have something at home.  Being sung "Happy Birthday" is a must.  And of course having dessert and presents. :D

3. Do you prefer to write by hand, or type things up?
Type things up for stories, but for songs and poems I like to write them by hand. :)

4. Do you collect anything?
Postcards, key chains, and old things.

5. What is your least favorite chore?
I don't fancy picking up the dog doo.  If yah know what I mean. ;)

6. How long have you had your blog, and what is one tip you would share?
Well...I have had it since March 5, 2015, but I technically didn't start being consistent with it till August of last year.  And for a tip, just be yourself, don't try to please other people.  This is your blog, do posts you like to read and go for it!

7. Do you prefer to read short blog posts, or long ones, and why?
It depends on the post.  I do like lengthier ones that have nice pictures, but shorter ones are nice, too.

8. What is your favorite month of the year?
Hmmm well I love fall for a season, but a month?  Maybe, December.  Because I like that it is Christmastime and it's cold outside. :D  Favorite

9. If you were given $100, what would you do with it?
Knowing me I'd probably save it. :)  I prefer to not spend money.  Maybe I'd spend just a little and save the rest. :)

10. If you could visit one fictional world, which would it be?
Middle Earth or Narnia!!  <3

11. Do you write your blog posts way ahead of time, or do you tend to write them on the spur of the moment?
I'm probably more in between.  Most of the time I have them as a draft and keep reading over and fixing and adding things. :)


Thank you, Emily!!  As for the tagging, I leave it open for anyone who hasn't done it yet!!  Enjoy!! :D

1. What is your favorite name that starts with K?
2. What are your birthday traditions?
3. Do you prefer to write by hand, or type things up?
4. Do you collect anything?
5. What is your least favorite chore?
6. How long have you had your blog, and what is one tip you would share?
7. Do you prefer to read short blog posts, or long ones, and why?
8. What is your favorite month of the year?
9. If you were given $100, what would you do with it?
10. If you could visit one fictional world, which would it be?
11. Do you write your blog posts way ahead of time, or do you tend to write them on the spur of the moment?

Friday, April 29, 2016

Quote Tag ~ Day 1

I was nominated by Hosanna to do the 3 Day Quote challenge!!  Thank you so much, Hosanna!!


  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 3 new bloggers everyday
  • Post a new quote everyday for 3 consecutive days

I love this quote.  Sometimes you'll hear people say, "It's just a coincidence."  I don't think so.  God always has a plan and purpose. 

I nominate

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Book Review: Room for Hope


Hello everyone!  I'm back with another book review.  Room for Hope by Kim Vogel Sawyer is the book I will be reviewing for you today.  Let's do it!


In a desperate time, can Neva find forgiveness for a grievous wrong—and make room for hope?
Neva Shilling has a heavy load of responsibility while her husband travels to neighboring communities and sells items from his wagon. In his absence, she faithfully runs the Shilling Mercantile, working to keep their business strong as the Depression takes its toll, and caring for their twins.

When a wagon pulls up after supper, Neva and her children rush out—and into the presence of the deputy driving a wagon carrying three young children. The deputy shocks her with the news that Warren and his wife have died, insisting it was their last request that the three children go live with “Aunt Neva.”

Neva’s heart is shattered as she realizes that Warren’s month-long travels were excuses for visits with his secret family. She wants nothing more than to forget Warren, but can she abandon these innocent children to an orphanage? Yet if she takes them in, will she ever be able to see them as more than evidence of her husband’s betrayal and love them the way God does?


I have never read a story quite like this one before.  As you might have read above, this story is about how one man secretly had two families.    He died along with is illegitimate wife and left behind three sweet children under 8.  Before he died he requested that they go be with "Aunt Neva," who is really his legal wife. 

As you can imagine, Neva is heartbroken when she finds out, and angry.  How could Warren (her husband) have done such a thing?  Now she has to take care of his three other children along with her twins, Belle and Bud, during the depression.  Or she could send the three kids to an orphanage, but she can't do that, she grew up in a kind orphanage herself, but now it is no more.  An orphanage would separate the children from each other, and Warren requested that she take care of them.

So she decides to keep them, even though she cannot look at Warren's other son, Charley, because he looks like his dad and reminds Neva of what her husband did.  At first Neva doesn't tell Bud and Belle that the three youngsters are actually their half siblings, she just says that their father wanted them. 

Bud goes through lots of emotions, being upset that his Pa is gone, mad that his Pa wanted another son, like Bud wasn't enough.  Then when he finds out what his Pa had done, he couldn't believe it!  He is a bully to Charley and encourages his friends to be, too.

This book had wonderful character devolvement.  Bud, from being a bully to loving and being kind, Neva from not caring about these children to loving them, Arthur from being a moneygrubber to being loving and kind, Jesse to becoming the Prodigal son and following God (Arthur is a Prodigal son, too). 

I wish that the ending was a bit different.  To my knowledge there is not going to be a second one and it kind of left you hanging.  By the way, Jesse is the Deputy that brings the children to Neva and ends up being the new Sheriff to the town.  He leaves to see if his adopted folks are still alive or one of his sisters, it never says if he finds them or not.

Arthur is as I said is (or was) a moneygrubber and then he starts to fall in love with Neva.  I personally thought it was going to be Jesse and wasn't to thrilled about it being Arthur, but now I am ok with it after reading the whole book.  But it didn't say that they got married, I'm assuming that they did.

This was a very nice read.  I wish that Belle was in it a bit more, she was such a sweet character that we didn't really get to see her thoughts and feelings.  It was also a bit slow going for a little while at the beginning, but then it got better.

This is a great story to show that the sins of the father are not his children's and how God can heal all hearts.

4 out of 5
*I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

And the Winner is...

Drum roll please...and the winner is...

                                              Mary H.!!!!

I am going to give you a homemade can as well!!

Congratulations Mary!!!!!! 

Thank you to everyone who entered!!

Monday, April 18, 2016



Hello everyone!  I have decided to do a giveaway!  One lucky winner will receive all the items below...

All homemade by me.  Two notebooks, one bookmarker, and this mini book made from leather.  Anyone is welcome to join!  Please, tell whoever you'd like!  The more the merrier!  It ends in one week on 4/26/16 at 12:00 A.M.  It is USA and Canada only.

Thank you to all who join!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Book Review: Land of Silence

 Hello everyone!  Today I will be reviewing Land of Silence by Tessa Afshar for all of you.  I got it on Thursday afternoon and finished it late last night, to sum up a sentence..."I laughed, I cried, it moved me, Bob." 

Publisher's Description

Before Christ called her daughter . . .

Before she stole healing by touching the hem of his garment . . .

Elianna is a young girl crushed by guilt. After her only brother is killed while in her care, Elianna tries to earn forgiveness by working for her father’s textile trade and caring for her family. When another tragedy places Elianna in sole charge of the business, her talent for design brings enormous success, but never the absolution she longs for. As her world unravels, she breaks off her betrothal to the only man she will ever love. Then illness strikes, isolating Elianna from everyone, stripping everything she has left.

No physician can cure her. No end is in sight. Until she hears whispers of a man whose mere touch can heal. After so many years of suffering and disappointment, is it possible that one man could redeem the wounds of body . . . and soul?
You see why I was intrigued?  I have always liked this story from the Bible and the song, One Touch by Nicole C. Mullen.  If you haven't heard that song you should!  It is absolutely beautiful!  Anyways, on to the review...


Elianna (isn't that a beautiful name?) is the main character.  She went through so much I didn't know how she could go through anymore.  I felt for her.  She could be a bit tough, being her favorite is, "no".  But that is what made her, her.  She loves her family and friends so much she will do anything to protect those she most cares about, even if it means suffering herself.  I cried for her, feeling all that she went through as if it were my own.  I loved who she loved and despised who she despised, and forgave when she forgave.  A wonderful complex character.

Ethan was engaged to Elianna and he wanted to marry her, until something terrible happens.  I loved Ethan as I loved Eben in Counted with the Stars.  Ethan was so sweet and kind and I just...ahhh.  I would seriously marry either one of those guys.  They're the best! 

Joanna is Elianna's younger sister and I liked her as well.  She is very sweet.  The sisterly love they have for one another is wonderful to read.  I also like Joanna's husband, Chuza.  I must admit, at first I was a bit leery of him, but I grew to like him.

Viriato is a gentle giant (though if you mess with him or someone else in his presence, watch out!) and becomes one of Elianna's good friends.  I loved him.  He comes to visit Elianna when she is "unclean"  by the blood and sits where she sits and does not mind at all, he is a Gentile and does not see the harm.  He truly cares for her and has always been kind to her and I just love him.

There is also a guy that I consider to be a sort of "bad guy."  I won't say who, lest I spoil it. :)


At first I thought the book was dragging on, but once it got rolling I couldn't put it down!  I was up till after midnight to finish it, because I had to know what was going to happen.  And I wanted to see Jesus... :)

The writing was pretty descriptive when it came to the work that Elianna did.  It had to do with making towels, blankets, clothes in general, dying them, embroidery on them and the like.  Some times I didn't mind reading about that and other times I was kind of done with it. 

The characters emotions were well done!  The body language as well as the facial expression.  Nice and descriptive about the way they were feeling just by looking at them. 


This story is so touching.  You see all of the hurt in ones life and how simply touching the hem of His garment not only restores ones body, but He turns around and He restores your soul as well.  He said, "Come to Me all who are weary, and I will give you rest."  If you thirst or are hungry, come to Him and He will satisfy you.  Elianna is restored completely just by Him saying, "Daughter."

This book was beautiful, tearful, and wonderfully done.  I loved it.  I truly enjoyed it and I would love to read more books by Tessa Afshar.

Content:  There are things that are not for younger readers, definitely a more mature read.

5 out of 5

*I received this book from Tyndale Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Infinity Dreams Award

I was tagged by the lovely bloggers, Mary and Abigail!!  Thank you so much, ladies!!  Let's just get to it!


1. Thank the blogger who tagged you. (THANK YOU, DEARS.)
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
4. Tag 11 bloggers and give them 11 new questions to answer.

Random Facts

1.  I was in a commercial that was played over in Europe when I was nine.

2.  I got to see Peter Jackson get his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

3.  I am the tallest girl in my family at 5'4.

4.  I have never had bangs.

5.  My great-grandmother is still alive and she is 101.

6.  A couple years ago I taught piano to younger children. 

7.  I need to wear glasses for long-distance.  I only wear them once in a while, otherwise I don't wear them. 

8.  When I was little I sucked my thumb. (Wow that's really random :))

9.  I ate a dead cricket at the zoo that had a spice it was mixed in with.  I can't remember what spice, probably barbecue or ranch, something like that.

10.  I played Eve in a church play.

11.  I had a pet Parakeet whose name was Precious.  I was younger and had no intention to do it after Lord of the Rings.  But looking back it is kind of funny that I picked out that name. XD

Questions from Mary

1. What is your favorite season?
Fall.  It is so beautiful and crispy and clean.  Time for sweat pants and sweaters.  And leaves changing color.  Ahhh...

2. If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmmm...probably pastries.  I love scones and éclairs...mmmm.  Pretty much any dessert that has something creamy inside.  I know that is more than one...what can I say...

S'more macrons....say what?
3. What superpower would you most like to possess?
Good question!  I honestly have no idea.  I think flying would be really cool, or...I got it!  A time-traveler.  Wouldn't that be cool!

4. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla? (I'm apparently hungry right now.)
Chocolate!!  I have always been a chocolate girl.  Though I do like vanilla, too, I just like chocolate more.

5. What are some books that make you perfectly and incandescently happy?
The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Mark of the Lion series, and I LOVED Counted with the Stars which you can read my review HERE.  

6. What is a movie that you enjoyed which you originally weren't expecting to like?
Ant-Man.  I wasn't really looking forward to it, but it was really good!  Super funny and original.  I liked that it was different from the other super hero movies.

7. Given the choice between leaving your family behind in order to move to a fictional world or staying where you lived for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Well, I don't want to leave my family or stay where I am for the rest of my life so...I will bring my family with me to Middle Earth or Narnia.  :-D

And we can all live here!  In all honesty, it would be a tight fit.  XD
8. Which mythical creature would you adopt?
A dragon!!  NOT Smaug though, I am going for Toothless.  He's so cute!! 

9. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
I don't like messes/things out of order.  I am definitely a neat freak and I like everything in its place.

10. What fictional character would you most like to have as a friend?
At this moment (I am a girl and I change my mind frequently:)) probably Shira from Counted with the Stars.  I loved her!  She would be a great friend to have.  Or Lucy Pevensie and Samwise Gamgee.

11. Would you rather write with a pencil or pen?
I don't mind either.  Pencil is nice because if you mess up you can erase it, but I like pens, too.  I guess I am indecisive on this question. ;)

Questions from Abigail

1. What is your earliest memory of reading, or being read to?
Reading myself would have to be the Bob books.  One of the books my Mom would read to me was  "And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon," by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel.  I love that book!  It's so stinkin cute!

2. Why did you choose to start a blog?
I wish I had an awesome meaningful answer for this one, but the truth is I don't really know.  I just wanted to. :D

3. Since this is the Infinity Dreams Tag, what is your biggest dream, no matter how out there it may
I would love to be in movies, do voice-overs, or be a Christian music artist.

4. Favorite subject in school? (If you in school still. If not, what WAS your favorite subject?) 
I always liked History and my last year in school I did British Literature and that was fun, too.

5. Where would you live in the world, if you could live anywhere?
I think it would be cool to live in the Italian countryside, the English countryside or somewhere in New Zealand.

6. How would you describe your personal style?
Classic, old-fashioned, and vintage, when I go out that is.  When I am at home, sweat pants and a tee shirt.

Isn't this pretty?
7. Who has inspired you? It can be anyone, past, present, fictional, or no. 
My Parents are a HUGE inspiration to me.  Along with C. S. Lewis and Tolkien, I am sure there are others as well.

8. Do you prefer open plains, and sparkling beaches, or rugged mountains and wild forests?
Rugged mountains and wild forests all the way!!  I am definitely more of a mountain girl.  The Pine trees and fresh air.  One of my favorite places up in the mountains is Lake Tahoe.  It is incredibly beautiful!
My beautiful Tahoe, this picture is not mine, however.
9. If you could meet one celebrity, who would you choose?
At the moment I really like Chris Pratt.  He's so nice and down to earth, not pompous like some of the others.  I also think it would be cool to meet Tom Hiddleston, because he is also super nice.

10. Favorite Disney princess? (Or Disney character if you don't prefer princesses.) 
Cinderella!!  I have always loved her.  She is so sweet and kind, and I always thought I kind of looked like her. :)

11. Favorite quote? 
O goodness, I don't think I have just I will give you one of the ones that are my favorite.  Of course, I love all of C. S. Lewis's quotes.  They're my favorite.

One of my favorites.

Thank you so much, ladies!!  What fun!  As for the tagging, I am going to leave it open for anyone!  They did some great questions, so please feel free to take any of them.  I would love to know though if you do it, so please leave me a comment letting me know!  Thank you everyone!

The questions

1. What is your favorite season?
2. If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. What superpower would you most like to possess?
4. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla? (I'm apparently hungry right now.)
5. What are some books that make you perfectly and incandescently happy?
6. What is a movie that you enjoyed which you originally weren't expecting to like?
7. Given the choice between leaving your family behind in order to move to a fictional world or staying where you lived for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
8. Which mythical creature would you adopt?
9. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
10. What fictional character would you most like to have as a friend?
11. Would you rather write with a pencil or pen?

1. What is your earliest memory of reading, or being read to?
2. Why did you choose to start a blog?
3. Since this is the Infinity Dreams Tag, what is your biggest dream, no matter how out there it may seem?
4. Favorite subject in school? (If you in school still. If not, what WAS your favorite subject?) 
5. Where would you live in the world, if you could live anywhere?
6. How would you describe your personal style?
7. Who has inspired you? It can be anyone, past, present, fictional, or no. 
8. Do you prefer open plains, and sparkling beaches, or rugged mountains and wild forests?
9. If you could meet one celebrity, who would you choose?
10. Favorite Disney princess? (Or Disney character if you don't prefer princesses.) 
11. Favorite quote? 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Book Review: Counted with the Stars

Hello everyone!!  I'm back with a book review for you all.  I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.  Counted with the Stars Out from Egypt part 1, by Connilyn Cossette. 

Isn't this cover gorgeous?
Sold into slavery by her father and forsaken by the man she was supposed to marry, young Egyptian Kiya must serve a mistress who takes pleasure in her humiliation. When terrifying plagues strike Egypt, Kiya is in the middle of it all.

To save her older brother and escape the bonds of slavery, Kiya flees with the Hebrews during the Great Exodus. She finds herself utterly dependent on a fearsome God she's only just beginning to learn about, and in love with a man who despises her people. With everything she's ever known swept away, will Kiya turn back toward Egypt or surrender her life and her future to Yahweh?


Some of the characters were Kiya, Shira, Eben, Jumo, Tekurah, and others.  Kiya's character development was wonderfully executed.  Here she is being Egyptian severing all these other gods and through the story we see her slowly begin to change and understand that her gods are not real, that Yahweh is the one and only God.

Kiya being the main character, the story is all from her point of view, which gives us an insight into the minds of the Egyptians during this time.  How she felt during all of the different plagues and such. 

Shira is a Hebrew slave to the same household that Kiya serves in.  Shira's kind, joyful spirit is so sweet.  She is my favorite character.  I love how kind and self-sacrificing she is.  She is such a joy to read and I can't wait for the second book that is going to be from her point of view.

Eben, he is the brother to Shira.  I have to admit, when I first "met" him I didn't like him.  He's always glaring and just seemed rude.  But the more I read and read, I fell in love with him.  He is sooo sweet and kind and I just...ahh.  The parts with him and Kiya I kind of felt in my chest that it was actually me he was talking to.  Plus, he has a beard, and you know how I love beards.  XD

Some more secondary characters, Jumo is Kiya's older brother and I loved him as well.  Tekurah is Kiya's mistress and she is so mean!  Though, I did kind of feel bad for her, she is drowning in bitterness and lashes out at Kiya.  I also liked Shefu.


Connilyn is an amazing writer!!  The way she described the plagues was like you were actually there.
The scenery, the way the characters felt.  Truly beautiful.  Here's a little bit for you.

"The narrow canyon cradled lush green between its meandering halls that had been smoothed by eons of yearly floods. The early rains had done their work, leaving behind a trail of verdant plant life.  The distant mountains still retained their caps of snow, which meant that there would be many runoff streams threading their way through these foothills."

Like I said, some of the parts was like I was the one actually there.  That's a good writer for you,  who can transport you to far off places.


I LOVED this book!!  It was so well crafted and thought out.  Some twists and turns and surprises.  I highly recommend it.  It was a very enjoyable book and I cannot wait to read the second one!! 

One note though, there are some things that are not for younger readers, this is definitely a book for more mature people. 

5 out of 5

Thank you so much for reading!

Monday, April 4, 2016

My Photographs

Happy April everyone! I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the photographs I've taken.  The first five are the most recent from our camping trip and the rest are a bit older.  Most are edited using the app PS Express.  The first, third, and fourth pictures are all natural.


The flowers were from Victoria, Canada.

                                                    My little sister, Millie.  These were taken a few years ago. 


                          My little Hobbit.  She is a great model!  These were taken at a different time.


                                                I put the words on using A Beautiful Mess app.

      Thank you for looking!  Let me know if you would like to see more posts like this!  Thank you!

                       Which picture was your favorite?

Also, I am now on Goodreads!  I would love to follow you!  You can find me at