Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Why I Love Vintage Fashion

Hello everyone!  I thought it would be fun to do a post about why I love dressing vintage and vintage fashion in general. 

I have been dressing vintage for about a year now.  While that is not all of the time, in more recent months it has been more and more.  I still wear sweat pants and t-shirts once in a while, but most of the time I'm in a vintage outfit or a vintage inspired outfit.  The difference is, is that a true vintage outfit is something that is actually vintage.  A vintage inspired outfit is modern clothing that looks vintage and you style it in a vintage way.  With a vintage hair-do, perhaps some vintage accessories, such as a brooch or scarf and voila, you look vintage.  I do both.

Or you can mix the two.  A vintage looking dress and an actual vintage cardigan.  Or what I did below, a vintage scarf and shirt with modern jeans and shoes.  Plus the sunglasses are modern, but look vintage.


Here are some points on why I love vintage fashion.

1.  It's Unique

It's not often you see someone dressed up from the 50's or any other decade, for that matter.  Fashion nowadays is so different from back then, but at the same time, you can wear whatever you want and its ok.  Although, some people will comment on how you look.  I have gotten only compliments, but I have heard of people getting negative comments on how they are dressed.  Which is sad.  I like the way I dress and that is all that matters.  If you like the way you dress, then do it!  Life is too short for boring clothes.


2. Quality Clothes

Let's face it, we don't make things like they did back then.  Clothing back then was truly beautiful.  A lot of pieces being one of a kind or homemade.  The fabric was nicer and the design flattering.  I have seen some beautiful dresses from back then.  They are truly beautiful.


3. Wearing History

The vintage clothing from the 30s, 40s, 50s and even older are a piece of history.  They have survived wars and everyday use (unless its an evening gown).  Some being 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 years old.  It's amazing to see a piece in almost perfect condition being that old.  Although, a lot of them do have little things that need fixing, but most of the time it doesn't distract from the beauty of the garment.


4. It's Fun

I enjoy getting dressed up even if I'm not leaving the house.  I like to feel and look nice.  Putting on a dress with a scarf around my neck with some earring and comfy shoes.  I like being put together and ready for anything.  Like if we decide to go somewhere, then I'm already dressed.  Although, once in a while if I am wearing sweats and we decide to go somewhere, I usually like to get dressed real quick, if I can.  I really love the way I dress and the way it makes me feel. 

                                                                       Outfit details:
                                                                 Shirt: Vintage (1950s)
                                                                    Jeans: Old Navy
                                                                    Shoes: Converse
                                                                 Sunglasses: T.J.Maxx
                                                                     Scarf: Vintage

Well, I hope you liked this little post.  I know not everyone's taste is vintage, everybody is different.  Which is a good thing!  Anyways, I hope you guys have a wonderful day!  Blessings ~ Morgan

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Book Review ~ The One True Love of Alice-Ann

Publisher's Description

Living in rural Georgia in 1941, sixteen-year-old Alice-Ann has her heart set on her brother’s friend Mack; despite their five-year age gap, Alice-Ann knows she can make Mack see her for the woman she’ll become. But when they receive news of the attack on Pearl Harbor and Mack decides to enlist, Alice-Ann realizes she must declare her love before he leaves.

Though promising to write, Mack leaves without confirmation that her love is returned. But Alice-Ann is determined to wear the wedding dress her maiden aunt never had a chance to wear—having lost her fiancé in the Great War. As their correspondence continues over the next three years, Mack and Alice-Ann are drawn closer together. But then Mack’s letters cease altogether, leaving Alice-Ann to fear history repeating itself.

Dreading the war will leave her with a beautiful dress and no happily ever after, Alice-Ann fills her days with work and caring for her best friend’s war-torn brother, Carlton. As time passes and their friendship develops into something more, Alice-Ann wonders if she’ll ever be prepared to say good-bye to her one true love and embrace the future God has in store with a newfound love. Or will a sudden call from overseas change everything?
This book is set during World War Two, which I haven't read a ton of books on.  But I really enjoyed it, especially it also being my favorite clothing era. 
I really enjoyed the different characters, from the main gal, Alice-Ann, to her Aunt Beth, from her friends to her brother and his wife.  They were all so different and yet blended together nicely.  Alice-Ann I was fine with.  It was nice to see her grow up throughout the book into the young women God meant for her to be. She was sometimes annoying, but I still appreciated her character being able to learn and grow.
Mack and Carlton were good characters as well, of course I liked one more than the other...but I'll let you read the book and discover that part yourself.  I'll just say that my favorite was the one she goes with. :)  And boy did I have butterflies in my stomach at some parts!  That's a good writer for yah, makes you feel what the characters are feeling.  Bravo, Ms. Eva!
Again, I really liked it.  Descriptive enough without it being overly so.  How the characters were feeling and such was spot on!  Body language, eye movement, things like that.  Well done.
I really enjoyed this book.  It had enough going on to give it good momentum without being overly fast-paced.  I enjoyed it also being set during World War Two.  Overall, a really lovely book that I would recommend if you like history and romance.  Definitely give this one a go!
Stars: 4 out of 5
*I received this book from Tyndale in exchange for my honest review.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Book Review ~ The Illusionist's Apprentice

Publisher's Description

Not all illusions happen on the stage.
Wren Lockhart, apprentice to master illusionist Harry Houdini, uses life on a vaudeville stage to
escape the pain of her past. She continues her career of illusion after her mentor’s death, intent on burying her true identity.
But when a rival performer’s act goes tragically wrong, the newly formed FBI calls on Wren to speak the truth—and reveal her real name to the world. She transfers her skills for misdirection from the stage to the back halls of vaudeville, as she finds herself the unlikely partner in the FBI’s investigation. All the while Houdini’s words echo in her mind: Whatever occurs, the crowd must believe it’s what you meant to happen. She knows that if anyone digs too deep, secrets long kept hidden may find their way to the surface—and shatter her carefully controlled world.
Set during one of the richest, most vibrant eras in American history, this Jazz Age novel of illusion, suspense, and forgotten pasts is perfect for fans of The Magician’s Lie, challenging all to find the underpinnings of faith on their own life’s stage.

First off, isn't this cover gorgeous?!  I first saw that this book was going to be coming out on I believe it was last month.  Anyways, I thought it sounded very interesting and then boom, I was able to get it to review.  I was so excited!  Any who, on to the review...

Honestly, this is a really good book.  I loved the different characters and there were so many twists and turns.  If you know me, I love a good faster paced book, and this book did not disappoint.  The pace was definitely to my liking. 

I am very picky when it comes to girls being the leads in books, but I actually didn't mind Wren.  She wasn't one of those "annoying" gals.  She has this mask that she hides behind, and isn't the kindest, but when it finally starts to slip...well you'll see. Though it does take her a long time.  Its really amazing how the author wrote her character.  Strong yet soft, smart yet broken.  I do think her back story was really sad and for a more mature reader.

Agent Matthews is the FBI agent she ends up working with and I liked him as well.  One thing about his character that you normally don't see in other characters in books (that I really loved) was how observant he is.  He is always watching everything and person.  Definitely a good agent as he also has some wicked driving skills.  He is a sweet guy who never gives up on Wren even when she isn't being nice to him.  And he also has a sad back story, although I think Wren's is sadder still.

I also loved that it was a book with a little of the famous magician/illusionist, Harry Houdini.  The time set was also wonderful as it is set during the 1920's.  Which was a lot of fun, especially when it came to the clothing.

As for sidekick characters they were a lot of fun too.  There weren't a ton of them, but that's ok as too many characters can be rather confusing.  The writing style was also very good and descriptive.  Not just setting the scene, but how the characters were feeling, body language, and such. 

Then of course, the mystery of the book.  It's like you are putting together a puzzle and you are only getting one piece at a time and at the end is when you can finally put it all together.  It is a lot of fun to try and guess and either be right or wrong and then another twist is thrown in.

I really loved this book.  I do wish it was a little longer though. It was classic and clean with some mystery, action, a little romance, and yes, magic.  Even though the word "illusion" is probably more fitting.  I definitely recommend it.  Though I would caution for younger readers as there is some mature content.

4 out of 5 stars

*I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Introducing...Michael Cheval

Today I'm doing a post on a topic I have never done before.  A post  I haven't really been into artists before.  Especially ones that are still alive and all that.  I do know Mr. Thomas Kinkade (though he passed away in 2012), but that is because we have some of his art work.  If you don't know Kinkade I will show you one of his works real quick before we get into Cheval...

Beautiful, isn't it?  We have this one currently hanging in our family room.  Although, ours in my opinion, has a much prettier frame with a cool light shining down on it.  This painting is called, The Garden of Prayer.  If you look closely, at the pathway at the right Jesus is walking to meet you here.  Kinkade has sooo many beautiful paintings.  

The next artist I am about to show is not exactly everyone's taste.  I have recently been exposed to his works thanks to the cruise I told you guys about in my previous post.  You see, the cruise ship had lots of art and we were over there quite a bit.  Which was fun!  And Mr. Cheval had not only me, but my family enchanted by his creative art.

I will first show you one of my favorites.  And I'm glad to say it will soon be hanging in my room.  Yes.  My first piece of real art!  Well, technically, it is embedded onto metal, going through a whole procedure and finished with Cheval's real signature.  Which is sooo cool!  And to add, mine is going to be a little one, which is fine with me!  That way I have lots of room on my walls to add more pictures.  Anyways, here it is...

Isn't she beautiful?!  Ahh...I just love her!  This picture is called, Melody of Rain.  So fitting.  It's so whimsical and enchanting.  It's so much fun that you can get creative and make your own story of what is going on in the picture.  I love it.

Michael Cheval

Michael Cheval is a contemporary artist specializing in Absurdist paintings, drawings and portraits. He is the co-founder of Cheval Fine Art Inc. and currently resides in New Jersey, United States. His work is internationally acclaimed and has been exhibited regularly in galleries across the United States and Europe.

If you would like to learn more about Michael, there is more about him on his Wikipedia page. :)   And now, time for more of his "absurdist" paintings I fancy.  Quick disclaimer, I do not love all of his paintings, but I do like quite a few and find them fascinating and unique, creative, and magical.

Flight of Inconceivable Consequence
Discord of Analogy
Flippant Benevolence
Fortuity of Choices
Time to be a Queen
The Mirror Asylum
Sounding Silence
Promises of the Parting Summer

Dance of the Little Swans

I just love Dance of the Little Swans.  It's not as absurd as some of his other paintings, yet it is so fascinating!  I mean come on, a piano AND a typewriter keyboard?!  Together?!  <3 You may have also noticed a couple fairytales in there.  Such as; Cinderella, Snow White, and Little Red Riding Hood.  Also, with Discord of Analogy you can hang the picture either way and he signs his name on the side of the picture so there is no "right" or "wrong" way to hang it.  Pretty cool, huh?

Well, I hope you liked getting to see some of Cheval's paintings.  I think they are really whimsical and imaginative.  And just to let you know, they look wayyyy better in real life.  The computer screen doesn't do paintings justice.  Although, I haven't seen all of these in real life, but the ones I have  Amazing.

Many blessings! ~ Morgan

P.S.  Happy March!  And I realize I forgot to say that on my last post...but I'm saying it on this one! =D  And since spring is right around the corner, I decided to do a new blog look.  I know I do it often, but I love new headers! :D

Monday, March 6, 2017

What I Believe

Hola, everyone!  You may or may not have noticed my absence this past week.  And I do have a very good explanation for it...I went on a cruise!!!!  It was all kinds of wonderful and I already miss it and the nice people we met.  But this post is not about that.  Now, this is where I let you all know my feelings on the path Disney has taken, in not only Beauty and the Beast, but a CHILDREN'S TV show.  If Walt Disney were still alive, he'd be so disappointed.

*Sigh*  If you haven't heard, after years of pressure from the LGBT community, Disney has finally caved to put in an openly gay character in Beauty and the Beast.  Just to let you all know, I have been looking forward to seeing the new movie.  Sure, Emma Watson will never be my Belle, but it still looked really good.  And cue the *bong* also known as, WRONG! 

*bangs head against keyboard in frustration*  Why, Disney?  If you have been following my blog for a while, you probably know I really love Disney.  My family and I go to Disneyland often.  Unless they change their ways, I am personally boycotting not only the Beauty and the Beast film, but Disney merchandise in general.

It is so sad and breaks my heart into pieces.  I love Disney so, so, much.  It's hard.  But you know what?  Standing up for what I believe in is worth it all.

But that doesn't mean we can't have hope and pray for Disney.  Back in the early 2000s my parents boycotted Disney for having a "gay day" at the parks.  And you know what....Disney stopped it. I have an uncle who is gay and my parents have friends that are gay. Now, I am not saying that I "hate" gay people.  NO!  I just don't agree with their lifestyle and I certainly don't agree with putting it in a children's movie.

On a different note, I have been and will continue to pray for President Trump and his family.  For the Lord to give him wisdom and bless him.  I don't know if you know this, but there are witches out there that are trying to put curses on him, but we, God's children, have more power in us through Him that saved us than any of them!  We can break the curses the enemy is trying to put on him.  I believe that President Donald Trump is God's chosen man.  And if you are chosen by God, nothing can stop you.

Psalm 55:22  Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

I know this was a different post then what I normally do, but if something needs to be said and I feel like I need to, then I will.  I am not going to start doing a bunch of posts like this. I just wanted to let you all know where I stand, and what I believe.  I hope you will join me in standing up for what God's Word says.  Here is the link to sign the BOYCOTT against Disney.

I hope you all have a wonderful week with many blessings unto you and your family!  ~Morgan 

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”