Hi...remember me? Yeah, it's been awhile. Well it's official. I haven't posted in a month! What?! How did that happen?? I mean, it's not like I didn't try to write, I did. But I never finished a post and thus they never got published.
How has your summer been??? Mine has been going great!! Busy, but great! I've been swimming, went to some movies, got to go to Tahoe for the day to meet someone very special...any guesses who I met???? Well, if you guessed
Mary, then you were right!!!! Yes, it is true. I was blessed to meet the author of Sunshine and Scribblings, Ms. Mary herself. It was AMAZING!!! She was super sweet and nice and ahh...it was such a lovely time. "I laughed, I cried, it moved me, Bob." Well, minus the crying part. ;D Kudos to you if you catch that quote! And of course, we took some pictures. Here we are together.
And yes, her hair is lovely. <3 And also yes, I'm a little petite. :D |
Remember when I told you guys the story of seeing the soldier coming home at the airport? I mentioned that we were getting a puppy. Well, technically she is still a puppy, but she is a biggy girl! Everyone, meet Beatrice.
She is an English Bulldog. Ain't she pretty? She's a little love (well, when she wants to be ;)).
A little bit of an update on reading. I've been working on The Circle by Ted Dekker. I'm already on the last/first book Green (if you've read them, you know what I mean ;)). I have also read some of Peter Pan.
I am also knitting a sweater! It's from a 1940's pattern. I really hope it turns out. This is the first time I've used a knitting pattern. So, we'll see what happens. ;D
And some pretty exciting news...I'm going to be modeling vintage clothing!!! I am SUPER excited!! There is this lady I follow on Instagram that isn't too far from where I live. She is an Etsy seller of...you guessed it, vintage clothing. After some talking back and forth, I am going to go to a photo shoot at the end of the month. Eeeepppp. So excited!
Well, I hope you are all having a wonderful summer! I guess I'll end this Veggie Tales style.
"Remember, God made you special. And He loves you very much. Bye!"